2009年12月13日 星期日
迎戰杜拜馬拉松 5 - 2009-12-6 - 2009-12-13 (不幸跌傷,入院 + 休息10天)
小休兩天後,小弟在2009-12-8再來marathon pacing demo暨mid-term test 18k (目標4'15" 1k).....頭4k 拍著金毛,金帶跑感覺ok ,可以keep 到 4'12" 1k,但不幸棘到坑渠位而跌兼擦傷 (左膝皮外爆得嚴重)....要腰斬demo兼mid-term了....還要入急症,休息十天........最不幸的竟然臨到小弟身上,令小弟對高速路賽有陰影,至於杜拜馬拉松,為求安全,要略減速度至 ~ 4'20" - 4'30" 1k.....sub-3隨緣ba...........
張貼留言 (Atom)
to be fair, i suggest you forget 'sub3' target in dubai 2010. any strong support you can achieve sub3? don't be cheated by the feeling 'you can achieve several sub3 pacing in your long run'. you are running 42.195km not 4.2195km. you can of course run sub3 pacing in 4k with no problem, but do you have other indicators, e.g. 10K 38min, hm 1:28 (just take examples)? if no, better set a realistic goal rather.